Hmm…she looks like a fucking floor lamp.

Pardon me, I’m watching ‘A Knights Tale’ and pondering what the fuck I want to do while there’s still daylight.

Hmm, this is interesting… A group of concerned American citizens have banded together to protect the border from the influx of illegals and… They are being called ‘racist.’ Never saw that one coming. Shit, I bet if someone took up arms to protect the Canadian border these morons would probably lose it. Nothing wrong with trying to stop white people from getting in, illegal or not…right? Uh…yeah.

I firmly believe that any individual who finds efforts to seal up our borders ‘racist’ should be shot in the head. Complex problem, simple solution. Enough of these socially concious nitwits hit the dirt with a dime sized hole in the back of their head, they might just re-think their views. Not to say what they’re thinking and saying is wrong, it’s their right in this country of ours to freely speak their mind. Just the same, if enough people have their simplistic and knee-jerk views challenged they’re likely to stammer into submission like the lemmings they are. Shooting them may be extreme though…maybe, maybe not… Still a bunch of nitwits.

Armed Civilians Converge Upon Mexican Border

Course, if GW would stop preaching about freedom long enough to actually enforce it by locking up our Swiss cheese borders to illegal immigration, while economically punishing countries who export their citizens in this way… Might not need a bunch of ‘rednecks with rifles’ to do the job for him. Until then, I’ll gladly donate some ammo to the cause.

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